This is when I clap for joy because I had two days off!!!! (believe me, with this midwest heat, its something to celebrate!) And since I had two days off, I decided to take it easy, and wait until the last minute to make a post about the best caricatures I did this weekend and the begining of this week! And don't worry, there are definately more to come!
I was so glad when this guy sat down for me.... it was like a caricaturist's dream.... and the model's nightmare...
I asked the middle guy if he wanted his goggles up there, and he said, "ABSOLUTELY." (I never clearly grasped what that was all about...)
A little girl (one of the woman's nieces that was visiting the park with them) was actually yelling at me as if the picture was extremely insulting.... she was hillarious! But, it was like a tiny sista was trying to tell me off. She was like, "Auntie, that's sapose ta be you?! AW HECKS NAW!" only imagine a chipmonk saying it. It was so cute....

This couple didn't really know what they were getting into... but when I drew her first, she forced her husband to sit for me... and he kept falling asleep in the chair because he worked all that night before. I don' t think anyone could tell, because of his sunglasses, but I think that's why he thought I drew it so fast. Sleep always speeds time up...

I was definately suprised that the girl didn't get a re-draw... but she loved it! Probably because I acurately put her dog in it...
And get this... the guy with the KU gear on from head to toe... yeah... He's going to college, but not for KU. Weird right?!

Well, that's it for now. I will hopefully have more for you guys from this up and coming hot and busy weekend, so STAY TUNED! :)